From the siege on Gaza, the freedom flotilla's massacre, to the charade that is our election... dont let it hold you down!
Earth was always like that.. oppressors have prevailed throughout time, and then came times were their oppression ended and they took what they deserved.. it was never a reason to stop trying or to hate reality...
Earth is such a beautiful place to live in, don't let some douchebags ruin it for you...
Live your life happily, and always try to change reality to the better...
Always look at the bright side, but dont ignore the darker side..
Try and make radical changes, and if they fail, it just means you've to try harder...
Injustice and oppression may make you mad.. it's good to be mad, it means you're going to do something about it, but never let them depress you..
Never let anything depress you :)
Photo : kornish el sa7l, exposure time 0.5 sec, Plus a little editing with Photo Shop.
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