Sunday, 13 June 2010

Happiness is a lie !!

Have you ever thought that making nothing makes you happy?
Well not making nothing, but not trying too much…
Not caring too much... not worrying too much about the outcome…
Not trying to create happiness for yourself and actually enjoy what you have of it?
Stopping the crazy rush and the urge to make something so that you could enjoy...
Enjoy the finer things that you have...
Enjoy your friends, but not caring much about how they feel…
Enjoy the things that you bought, not trying to change them or worry that they might run out…
Have you ever thought that in our crazy pursuit of happiness we end up unhappy most of the time?
Maybe if you haven’t tried at all, you wouldn’t have failed…
You wouldn’t have gotten tired trying…
Maybe there’s much happiness to doing nothing than we think there is…
Just living there…
With no hoppy…
With no goal…
Maybe achieving our goals doesn’t make us happy as we think it does…
But we do it anyway…
We keep trying and trying…
But why?
Why even bother?
Maybe it’s the sense of achievement…
Then why do we pursue that goal in particular?
Why not pursue something that will give you the same sense of achievement…
Maybe just cook something? Or build sandcastles?
And does that sense of achievement really makes us happy?
Does that moment of happiness really make up for all those times…
The times you tried and failed…
The times you were working hard…
You could’ve been happy instead you know…
Maybe it’s not happiness what we’re really after…
Happiness just happens to be a common side goal in all of us…
A goal that we’re trying to achieve while achieving our main goal…
A goal that we might ignore if it gets in the way of our other goals…
And it’s not the sense of achievement either…
We could’ve gotten that anywhere…
Than what is it?
What is it that makes us up 3:00 Am in the morning working hard…?
We could’ve slept…
What is it that makes us think and invent?
We could’ve watched a movie…
What makes the writer writes?
What makes the artist draw?
What makes the computer geek write a kernel modification for Linux?
When he could’ve simply played Halo…
It’s their goals they have chosen…
They want to do it…
But why?
Simply because they’ve chosen to want to…
People simply can’t live without a purpose…
It what makes them get up from their beds in the morning…
Without it they feel lost…
But why this goal in particular?
There are lots of other things that can make them happier…
There are lots of other achievements that they could do and get a higher sense of achievement…
Yet they stick to what they have chosen…
Maybe they’ve chosen it for a logical reason…
Maybe it’s a result of their subconscious…
Maybe they’ve chosen it just for the heck of it…
The thing that matters is that they’ve chosen to…
He chose to travel the world hopping on one leg…
She chose to grow her fingernails till they reach the backseats of her car…
And he chose to want to liberate his country…
To hop on one leg or to grow one’s fingernails doesn’t really make them happy…
What really makes them happy is that they’ve been wanting to…
And it doesn’t even make them that happy…
So is it right to want something?
Do we have to have a goal?
Is it right to want to change the universe?
Or is it better to just find something simple that makes you happy and do it?
Maybe there are other parameters that effect that decision…
Like how much is our selfless caring for other people…
Who much we love money or fame isn’t really a parameter…
Because after all…
What made us love money and fame?
Humans are known to be easily effected by others…
Like how we all believe that climbing a mountain is a good thing…
It gives you the sense of achievement…
It means that you’ve pursued your dreams…
And realized them…
Well what made them my dreams?
Your words just did…
Are we really that easily swayed?
Like how we start wanting something because we saw its ad. ?
Maybe we ought to think much about our goals…
Maybe we should break them down…
See what’s in it that makes us happy…
And what doesn’t…
So we could actually see if we really want them…
Or not…
Maybe you love the cold air of the mountain…
Maybe you have a thing for snow…
Maybe when you’re there on the top of the mountain…
And you could see the bend of the horizon…
It thrills you that you’ve done what you always wanted…
But you have to make sure that it is what you want…
Because maybe…
Just maybe...
Maybe during these long months of training…
Maybe when you’re sleeping on the cold mountain floor…
Maybe when you’re struggling for air on the top of the mountain…
Maybe then would you realize…
Was it really worth it?
Or was doing nothing an easier way to happiness…
That’s if you really want happiness…
If you’ve chosen to want to climb a mountain…
Just do it…
Or not…
It’s your choice…
I know I want to…
Not because I think happiness awaits me there…
But just for the heck of it!!
Happiness is a lie…
Achievements are relative…
And most of us don’t really know why we want to achieve our goals...
But we do it anyway!!

“ X ”

For he who has never submitted, never gave up, never once accepted cruel reality as something beyond us…
For he who has never given up on his brothers, never overlooked their suffering, nor has he ever given up any of their rights…
For he who was never an adopter of the “diplomatic” solution nor the “convicting” of an oppression…
For he who has never exported natural gas to the enemy…
rest in peace my friend, your thoughts were much needed in times like these…
In the memory of Malcom X (1925 – 1965)

“Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it.” Malcom X

Thursday, 3 June 2010


From the siege on Gaza, the freedom flotilla's massacre, to the charade that is our election... dont let it hold you down!
Earth was always like that.. oppressors have prevailed throughout time, and then came times were their oppression ended and they took what they deserved.. it was never a reason to stop trying or to hate reality...
Earth is such a beautiful place to live in, don't let some douchebags ruin it for you...
Live your life happily, and always try to change reality to the better...
Always look at the bright side, but dont ignore the darker side..
Try and make radical changes, and if they fail, it just means you've to try harder...
Injustice and oppression may make you mad.. it's good to be mad, it means you're going to do something about it, but never let them depress you..
Never let anything depress you :)

Photo : kornish el sa7l, exposure time 0.5 sec, Plus a little editing with Photo Shop.